Mommy Commentary

The Best Homeschool Workbooks. PERIODT.

I've written about this topic before but now is a great time for a refresh. Bear does pretty well in school; in fact, he's amazing! He currently reads at a 5th/6th grade level and is very quick with math. His writing still needs a lot of work, but he's improving by the week! Now, I'm not one of those parents who send their child to school so the teacher
Kids' Activities

Kids’ Activity Books for sale!

Yes, believe it or not, I don't just talk shit on here. I actually DO things! And one of the things I do is create children's activity books for sale! This is a passion project of mine as I always wanted to create children's books. Soon, I hope, I will have another children's book for sale. But for now, here are two activity books I'm very proud of! Please