Meet the Blussians

Our Not-So Traditional Yet Traditional Christmas Tree

On this blog, I've explained how we celebrate traditional Christmas and Orthodox Christmas. We keep our tree for a long time, well into January. What might be unusual to others is really the norm for us. Each year we have our tree, it seems to get better and better. I should probably put myself on a Christmas budget, honestly. I go bananas. Anyway, here are some pics of our new
Meet the Blussians

Blussian Christmas traditions – New Ornaments

It seems every year we do the same thing just a bit differently. But I love that about our little family - taking something new and putting our own spin on it. As I've explained in the past, we celebrate Christmas pretty much starting from Saint Nick's until the Orthodox Christmas and New Year in January. We typically have our tree and decor up until February, though I've started decorating