Mommy Commentary

Autumn/Fall Printable Checklist Now Available!

Hey Family! Remember when I said I was working on the autumn/fall printable for you guys?! Well, it's now available at the Ksenfully Good Etsy store and I'm so freakin' jazzed for you to check it out! Printables are something that are still rather new to me, so I'm learning a lot about what goes into designing them and then, well, selling them. I have a lot to learn, but
Mommy Commentary

Fall Bucket List

It's one of the most wonderful times of the year and I have to admit, I didn't really get into fall until like several years ago when I was pregnant with Ethan. I was on a group pregnancy board and all the ladies on there were talking about how much they loved the fall weather. Don't get me wrong; it's not that I hate fall, but rather I was