Mommy Commentary

More Eaton Fire gofundmes to Support!

Hello Everyone, With a heavy heart, I'm writing to include more Altadena/Eaton Fire gofundmes. There are a lot of families who can use the love and support. Please, instead of donating water and clothing (there is more than plenty of those to go around), donate and share the gofundme link instead. There are many families who can use the support right now. There are many families who attend my
Mommy Commentary

How You Can Help Altadena Rebuild

Everybody all together now! How You Can Help Altadena Rebuild I have deep ties in Altadena, which is just north of Pasadena Let's go! Altadena is a hard place to describe: it's hipster. It's wealthy. It's middle-class. It's poor. It's everything. And it's burned down. Bear's school is in Altadena, and I often did a lot of work and volunteering in Altadena, so I was there often. And it's still unbelievable what happened