Mommy Commentary

Sean Combs Should be Hit by a Train

Tupac was right. I've debated if I wanted to say something about Puffy, as I've always known him as and still called him that. I've heard rumors for years, decades even, that he was abusive to every woman he'd ever been associated with (including that rather famous one that Mariah Carey does not know). The newly uncovered video only confirmed what many people have known for years - Puffy is
Mommy Commentary

Lessons Learned from Heard/Deep Trial

I'll admit: I really didn't follow the trial closely (stay with me, now). It was in my face every time I turned on the TV, went on various forms of social media, etc. I was tired of it. And unlike a lot of people who said, 'Well, they both abused each other...' I beg to differ. I had no dog in that fight. Honestly, I'm a fan of Johnny