Mommy Commentary

25 Self-Care Tips!

Maintaining mental health has been especially hard during this ongoing pandemic. Between keeping yourself safe and making sure your family and friends are safe, things are constantly changing. And it can be super hard to keep up and furthermore, keep adjusting. According to the Mayo Clinic, surveys show a major increase in the number of U.S. adults who report symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia during the pandemic.
Mommy Commentary

Get Ready for Back to School!

I know, crazy? After 18 months of uncertainty, it's pretty certain that most of our kids will be back to school this fall. That also means, it's time to get ready! I'll break this post down by clothing, shoes, and materials to get you and your little one ready for back-to-school! Clothing: Bear goes to a school that requires uniforms and just about every place has great deals on
Mommy Commentary

Sending Your Child To School Under a Pandemic Hits Different.

Last year, I can vividly recall the excitement Maks and I had for Bear's first year of kindergarten. I went to the Welcome Back social, met his teacher, took a tour of the school, and became a friendly acquaintance of the principal. We bought his uniforms, made sure he was ready for his first day at a new school, and we were just so excited. Then, COVID-19 happened. Bear
Mommy Commentary

What’s it Like Being on the Front Lines?

To help out my community as well as pay down some debt and rebuild our savings, I decided to take a part-time gig with Instacart. Well, my part-time gig turned into a full-time one rather quickly. But as I'm shopping from store to store and making countless deliveries, I decided to tell you what it's really like being on the front lines as well as sharing some tips for
Health, home decor

Smells Like The Devil Disinfectant

So, I know Lysol has been pretty much sold out everywhere. If you got some, consider yourself blessed. But some of us who really need the Lysol (those with kids and pets) have to make do in other ways. Enter 'Smells Like the Devil' Disinfectant. Now I call it that because honestly, it does smell like the Devil's Butthole in the Armpit of Kentucky. Now I've never been to
Kids' Activities

Homeschooling Your Little One? These FREE apps can help!

With COVID-19 forcing many parents to become homeschoolers, I have gathered some helpful apps to keep you all sane during the closures. Stop, Breathe, and Think Kids I spoke about this app before in managing Bear's anxiety. There is also an adult version! I meditate every night and trust me, it's helped managed my anxiety a lot! Scholastic Learn At Home I have fond memories of Scholastic (particularly Highlights) and I'm

The BEST Homemade Hand Sanitizer!

I finally made a YouTube video after Lord knows how long. I honestly keep forgetting I have a channel. But anyway, I made a YouTube video so check it out! And honestly, please watch the video before you leave comments.
Makeup and Natural Hair Care, product reviews

Dry Hands from Washing So Much? This Can Help

With the news of COVID-19, and the urgency of people to wash their hands and using hand sanitizer at an all-time high, there is also something that isn't talked about - how dry your hands can be after all of the handwashing. I'm using to washing my hands a lot. Since Bear was born, that's really what we did several times a day. Change his diaper? Wash hands. Feed