Mommy Commentary

The Best 10 Bible Verses for Mom

Mother's Day is right around the corner! It's a time to reflect, celebrate, and show the mother in your life how much she means to you. It's also another way, as one who is a Mom herself, to celebrate and remember how fabulous you are no matter the circumstances. As you prepare to pamper yourself or the special mother in your life, here are some Bible verses to honor
Mommy Commentary

Celebrating the Rams Super Bowl Win!

I'll be the first to admit: I'm not a huge football fan. It's funny to say that because I am a huge sports fan. I just love sports. I was an athlete in high school and college and I enjoy sports to this day. While I'm hesitant to watch golf (I mean, the shit looks boring!), I understand it. I'm also the lone member in my family who can't