

Trying to incorporate Russian while I'm learning it myself is quite the task. I'm a native English speaker. I know a little Spanish, but wouldn't consider myself fluent. I can carry a light conversation without the use of Google translate (too much). So, learning Russian is a task. It's a fun one, albeit challenging at times. I try to have one solid hour each day of teaching Bear Russian since all he

Can It Be All So Simple? (To learn another language?)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m148vZDwJA&w=420&h=315] Raising a bilingual child is well...a lot harder than it should be. From the get-go, M. and I have always determined that our children will be bilingual in Russian and English. He would speak primarily Russian and I would speak primarily English (though I am actively learning Russian and try to speak a little of it every day). With Yoda not quite talking yet (though I'm told it's nothing