We are done (at least for the time being) with Bear's room. The transition we made in his room made it a lot more personable and it's his favorite (well, it should be! LOL).
Now, it's time to dress our bedroom. For a long time, Maks and I were very simple about our bedroom. As long as it was clean with some pictures and what-not, that's all that was needed.
So, it's been a minute since I've updated here on the blog about how the gardening is going.
Well, I decided to revive my long-forgotten about YouTube channel with a new series: #blackgirlwhogardens. It's fitting since I love to garden and I'm a black girl. Wow, what a concept.
Anyway, this is going to be a short and sweet post: check out the video! Please let me know if you have
Since I was pregnant with Bear, my nose has been rather sensitive. Stores like Lush, I can't enter anymore due to my nose will just go haywire and a sneezing fit will ensure follow. (I do have a light tolerance for my fave, Bath & Body Works but even then, my visits to the store are few and far between.)
As I'm trying to go a bit natural and leave
That was probably my longest title ever on here.
So, last week, I mentioned a small list of free and cheap things to do with your kid this summer. This week, I'm going to tailor it to be more L.A.-inclusive. While a lot of these items mentioned are only in L.A., check your local surroundings to see if there are equivalents in your area.
Ready? Let's go!
First things first, let's start with
It's officially summer time so that means every parent is going to hear these old faithful words:
"I'm bored."
I can honestly say as a child, I said those words. As a teen, I said those words. Hell, even as an adult, I said those words.
But never fear! Here is a small list of cheap and free summer activities for everyone to enjoy. Yes, cheap and free. This is part one
I think as a society, we have evolved in just giving coffee mugs and ridiculous ties to the fathers in our lives. I have to admit, I used to be guilty of just that. After all, I knew my dad liked coffee and he sometimes wore a tie.
Now, while I will include the aforementioned gifts in this post, I think we should explore other things for our special men.
It's unofficially summertime and if your child has curly hair, it's a trying time! While our hair (Type 3 and Type 4) is rather resilient, it can also be rather problematic at times.
Here are some tips to keep your (and your child's!) hair looking fresh this summer, no matter what your hair type is:
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep your child's hair moisturized.
I recently had mashed sweet potatoes. Well, let's backtrack just a tad. It's not the first time I've had it, but it was a first time in a long while I realized just how freakin' amazing they were.
Despite my newfound sent home to glory moment in the kitchen, I had to wonder why sweet potatoes and its various forms (my favorite being the sweet potato pie) was so good
Recently, all three of us (really, Maks and Bear) went to see our great friends, Ian and Josh, as they did their new podcast adventure, Mom's Garage. The focus was on Maks as he spoke about his photography. He also touched on how he dealt with Ethan's death, and how photography really helped me become a better man.
Bear clearly stole the show and he gets an interview as well!
I have a love/hate relationship with IKEA as I think a lot of people do. If you want cheap furniture and what-not, it's your place. Sometimes that cheap furniture might really turn out to be a bust but that's the risk you take.
We decided to furnish our entire home with mostly IKEA items. (No, this is not a sponsored post.) We decided on that for two reasons: Bear and