Last week, I wrote about the top 10 free ways to relieve stress. This week, I’m writing about the Top 10 cheap ways.
Now, for clarification, the cheap ways would be typically $100 or under. I know in this economy, $100 isn’t cheap, but there really isn’t a price limit on peace of mind.
That being said, let’s get started:
Oil blends and diffusers
I’m a huge fan of oil diffusers now and I honestly can’t imagine now having one a part of my life. There are so many different choices to get from Amazon (or anywhere, really).
The one Santa Bae gave me is not only cheap, but it changes colors and works very well!
Now, you can get essential oils from pretty much anywhere. The pricer ones will set you back as much as $35 (seriously), but there are good, cheaper versions that are under $10.
I encourage you to follow my Essential Oil Diffuser Blend board on Pinterest for soothing, relaxing blends!
I do yoga at home with a DVD and a mat. I guess I could go to a class, but why pay so much when I can essentially do the same thing at home for much cheaper (and free!)
The Yoga DVD I use is Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss. I’ve had this DVD for a long time and it helped me recover from a bad car accident a long time ago. And, it’s helped me lose weight in addition!
I particularly like this DVD because it’s meant for larger bodies and there are different modifications you can use for your fitness level. I highly recommend it!
Spa Day at Home
When I was a child, I went with my mom to the hair salon and watched her get a pedicure. The moment I saw what the lady was doing, I somehow concluded in my young mind I could do the same. Never looked back and I can honestly say only once in my entire life had I received a pedicure that wasn’t my own.
Now, some might not find this to be a stress-relief but I do. I like to scrub my feet and make them pretty. The best pedicure tool, hands-down is the Amope Pedi Perfect Foot File. Kid you not, this would probably scrape the barnacles off a boat.
Buying Flowers
There really is something therapeutic about buying flowers. While I’m growing my own, it’s still nice to go to a Farmer’s market or the store to get some flowers. And I’m cheap! I usually get the $3.99/$4.99 bunch.
While gardening is a lot of hard work, it is so relaxing. For real, for real. It’s usually just me and my Blues playlist. Yes, I love the Blues. John Lee Hooker. Stevie Ray Vaughn. Bobby “Blues” Bland. Go grab yourself some blues and Vitamin D. They’re good for you.
Besides giving away stuff you don’t need (after you declutter, all that stuff has to go somewhere), it feels good to give to others. You never know who needs what you don’t want anymore.
And if you can’t donate items, you can always donate money. A lot of organizations need your help!
Starting a new hobby
My husband is quite the photographer and while he’s always had the bug, he passed the trait to our son, Bear.

Yes, I meant an actual coloring book. Sit down and just color. And why do you need to stay within the lines?
Get a massage!
Sometimes you don’t realize how stressed out you are until someone is kneading the crap out of your shoulders. Most massages are affordable and you can be done within an hour. Whether you want to go home after that, is up to you.
Reducing Caffeine Intake.
This is for you and your $30 lattes. I used to be you. I used to spend $25 a week on my fancy coffee drinks. Then for Lent one year, I decided to give those up for 40 days.
So what happened?
I lost weight. I slept better. And I saved a ton of money.
Now, I’m not saying to give up caffeine altogether. But if you can save the money and make your own brew at home, do it. And here’s the kicker – it’ll probably taste better!
Netflix and (Chill).
Now, I’m not so out of touch I don’t know what the implications of Netflix and Chill. However, in this case, I mean choose a romantic comedy or a stand up special and laugh your tail off. And if you have a partner with you and y’all decide to do the ‘chill’ part, well, that’s an added bonus.
How do you relieve stress?