So, let’s go on a journey, shall we? Let’s take it back to 2014.
I just gave birth to Bear in November 2013 and was enjoying the perils and joys of motherhood. Sometime in the spring, I noticed the one thing so many have warned me about – postpartum hair loss. And not a little.
I was debating for a while to chop off my hair, even as far back as 2008. I’ve always played with my hair, be it braids, weaves, wigs, or relaxers. In my humble opinion, I think everyone should experiment with their hair at least a few times in their lives.
Anyway, my hair was falling out by the patches and as much as I love my wigs, sometimes it can get a little too damn hot in L.A. to be wearing one. So I decided to just chop it all off!
On the floor!
And honestly, I haven’t looked back.
I’ve become a bit of a product junkie (as most naturals will attest to), and I love experimenting with different looks, styles, and hair accessories. My hair has been its natural dark brown,
I’ve dyed it to red,
and even had a bad experiment with fuchsia, purple, and blonde (which still came out pretty awesome when it grew out).
Now, as I’m growing out my most recent dark purple semi-permanent leave-in,
I’m preparing to dye my hair either a deep blue or a deep purple. Exciting!
Here are my tips for being natural, in no particular order –
- It’s your hair. Yes, I have to say that because there will be some people who will not be down on what you’re doing. Fuck them. It’s your hair.
- Know (and accept) your hair type can and will change. Adapt along with it.
- Experiment with different products and looks! Be reasonable. Some products are great but they can be pricey.
- Invest some time in watching YouTube tutorials. There are a ton out of there and some can really give you some great tips.
- Follow a few natural hair care blogs like NaturallyCurly, Curl Mart (it’s more of a store than anything), and even some on IG. Be careful, though…if you follow too many you might become overwhelmed.
- There are going to be times you won’t be able to stand your hair. Protective styles are your best friends.
That’s it! I’m so glad I’ve met a few CurlFriends through here and IG! It’s great to be on this journey together!