Meet the Blussians

Up Jumps Da Boogie

[youtube] Hey everyone! I decided for the time being, to suspend the YouTube channel. Honestly, we weren't getting that many views and as much time I spent on taking vlog lessons on how to improve my channel and interaction, it just wasn't worth the headache overall. The great news is that subscriptions to this blog has drastically picked up so I'm going to pour all of my energy into making this Mommy blog
Russian Soul Sundays

#RussianSoulSunday – homemade waffles edition

So, I have a confession - I used to buy the store bought waffles - Eggos. Now, there's nothing wrong with them or the brand. In fact, my favorite was strawberry. I've been buying them for years. I also had a waffle maker for the past several years. read that right. I still bought waffles even though I have a waffle maker. Several weeks ago I decided once and for all,