
Something Just Ain’t Right I have to having another baby really necessary? Having a baby has been everything I've expecting: late night, sleepless nights, stinky diapers, weird stains on floors, multitude of toys, toys that aren't really toys but he wants them anyway. Having a baby has been everything I wasn't expecting: I'm alone in this. Not figuratively. Literally. I'm a special breed - the stay at home working mother. I write and publish, do

Crazy There's been a debate, not necessarily recently but it's been gaining traction, on immunization. Before I delve further into this topic, I'll state my views on it with this link. For the full video: Now that's out of the way, let's begin. I have friends who vaccinate. I have friends who don't. The ones who don't, they have their reasons. Some choose not to for religious reasons. Some choose not to because
Ethan, Pregnancy, Yoda

As   School has officially started, pretty much across America. A lot of kids are either returning to their schools, starting a brand-new one, or entering the final year at the one they’re at. A very exciting time. I remember being excited it was my last year in fifth, eighth, twelfth years and my senior year at college. Earlier, one of my April moms posted a picture of her daughter leaving for